To return/exchange an item, print out your email invoice and mail that along with your item, print out your email invoice and mail that along with your item back to 3345 Rolling Hills Lane, Apopka, FL 32712, United States. 

You will then receive an E-Gift Card for the value of your exchanged item, minus a 25% restocking fee which you can use to purchase the new item you would like. 


Please mail the shirt along with a short note with corrections to be made too:

Attention: FaithProsperity

Street Address: 3345 Rolling Hills Lane

CITY: Apopka

State: FL

ZIP: 32712

United States 

Once we receive customer returned merchandise we will immediately take care of corrections that need to be made. We will review your invoice and the corrections you have given and will correct any errors made on our behalf.

If at any time you are having trouble with your return or have any unanswered questions, please send an email to Thank you
